Just like one takes care of their skin and body, looking after their hair is of equal importance. Having a proper plan is essential, especially when factors such as stress and pollution can cause severe, long-term damage. And in such cases, like anything else, to prevent is better than to cure.

Creating such a plan is the same as when an individual starts using products for their skin or starts working out to keep their body healthy and in shape. Once the optimal products or exercises are discovered, they are usually what a person continues using for a long time.

However, the process of discovering what works best is a different story. Today, there are so many different products to choose from, it is easy to feel overwhelmed or to get confused. Even so, there are certain things you can do that will help you create an optimal plan in the easiest way possible.

So, if you are considering embarking on your hair care journey or are simply curious and would like to read more, here are several tips to help you get started.

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Before You Start

There are a few factors you should take into account that will affect your plan and steps you will follow. These include:

Type & Texture


You can easily determine the type since it represents your hair’s natural shape. The four types include kinky curly, straight, curly and wavy, and all of them have their own set of pros and cons and need to be treated differently. This also applies to the texture which can be categorized into fine, medium, or thick.

You can also check your hair’s density by parting it in the middle and checking how much scalp you can see on the crown. If you see a lot of it, you have thin hair, only a bit of scalp means it is medium, and a very thin line indicates it is thick.

Has it Been Dyed or Bleached

If you have chemically processed your hair in any way, you might need to be extra careful about your routine. If you have dyed it before, you will want to avoid washing it every day to prevent dryness or having the color fade prematurely. If it is bleached, additional conditioner or mask nourishment might be necessary.

Any Additional Issues


Dandruff, split ends, breakage, dryness, or frizz are all normal issues one might face. However, being aware of this will greatly help you find the best solutions to deal with such problems.

All of this can affect the way you take care of your strands, but all routines should involve some basic steps which can be extremely beneficial.

The Basics of an Optimal Routine

  1. Getting Regular Haircuts

Visiting the salon for a trim every 3 months promotes growth and keeps your strands healthy. Going to the hairdressers is not only beneficial for getting rid of split, dry ends that stop growth but it will minimize breakage and splitting in the future as well.

If you do not already have your favorite salon and a trusted hair specialist, make sure to look around your area and find someone who knows what they are doing. Luckily, today, many of them have websites as well where you will not only be able to see all their services and prices but book appointments too.

Some hair salon websites, like Hera Hair Beauty, offer stylist’s portfolios and before and after pictures so you can easily see the quality of service they offer.


  1. Cleansing 

A good wash will get rid of any product residue, dirt, oil, and dead skin while keeping the natural oil.

An oily substance called sebum, as well as dead skin can cause excessive oiliness which is noticeable when one’s hair is unclean.

Choose a good daily shampoo which you will use whenever you decide your hair needs washing, but also have a deep-working clarifying shampoo that will remove any buildup with its formula. This one should be used once a month to avoid removing natural oils too.

  1. Conditioning

Conditioners are not only great for hydration but also for reducing frizz, easier detangling, and extra shininess. Make sure your conditioner has an ingredient known as the cationic surfactant to get optimal results.

Have a daily conditioner that you only need to hold in your hair for a few minutes before washing it out. For added nourishment, you can opt for a conditioner that needs no rinsing. Go for a deep conditioner for the maximum amount of hydration but also if you have very dry hair.

  1. Detangling

Tangled hair can be a nightmare, so detangling it is necessary to keep your strands strong, but also to stop breakage. Detangle your hair as often as your type requires, and make sure to use a wide-tooth comb to avoid unnecessary damage, breakage, or pulling out strands accidentally.

Avoid brushing more than once a day and opt for a brush that is suitable for your type. You can either use a bristle or plastic one.

If the detangling process is too painful, apply a detangling spray or even better, a detangling serum which will additionally condition, making the entire process painless and that much easier.


  1. Protecting

If you love using tools such as dryers, curling irons, or straighteners, you will want to protect your hair from getting damaged by the heat. Never forget to apply heat protection spray whenever you plan to use one of these tools.

  1. Additional Treatments

Masks contain a lot of ingredients meant to provide extra nourishment to your hair. Simply choose one that has all the nourishing properties you are looking for and deeply replenish and remedy your strands.

Scalp Treatment should be done once or twice a month and is meant to stimulate circulation and unclog follicles to spur growth, as well as get rid of uncomfortable problems such as itchiness.

Protein Treatment should be done on a monthly level and is used to enrich broken or frizzy hair with extra protein. It strengthens strands and straightens them too, filling in cuticle gaps in the process.



Creating an optimal routine might take some time and effort, but it will be worth it in the end when your hair looks healthy, shiny, and strong. Choose your products carefully and if you are still unsure what works best, do not hesitate to consult an expert.