College is a busy and hectic experience. Not only do you have to juggle studies and social life, but you might also have work to consider too. When you think about the sheer amount of facts and ideas you need to learn about, and the home study you need to complete, deadlines are ticking every single second, adding up to a stressful situation.

Essays do not help this overall conundrum, and if you’re reading this and nodding our head, finally realizing the someone understands, take heart that you’re far from alone!

Essay writing can seem like a mountain to climb, but taking it slowly and focusing on one step at a time can get you to the end with a minimal amount of worry. Many students look towards essay examples on found online for inspiration, and this is a good option, provided you don’t copy and paste, pretending it is your own work.

The Dos And Don’ts of Using a Sample Essay

A sample essay is one which is freely available online, either for no cost or a small cost, and you can use it to form the basis of the article that you need to write. This means you save time on research and you can gain inspiration from what someone else has written. Those are the dos. The don’ts include:

  • Do not copy and paste the content;
  • Do not submit the article as it is;
  • Do not copy large chunks of the article.

If you do this, your college tutor is almost certainly going to notice and you will be in very hot water, due to plagiarism. Even if you manage to sidestep that very likely scenario, free essay examples aren’t always written to the highest quality, especially if they’re free, and there could be mistakes which affect your final grade.

How to Use Free Essays in 6 Effective Ways

If you can’t copy and paste or use large chunks of an example essay, how can you use them in the best possible way? Here are six ways you can use this free resource, and push yourself towards a higher final grade.

  1. Read the article fully and make notes, pulling out points you want to expand on in your own essay;
  2. Highlight any cited research that you can use, remembering to reference back to the original source;
  3. Look over the format and use it as a guide to ensure that you cover all necessary points and sections in your own essay;
  4. Keep example close by in case you get a little stuck and need another nudge;
  5. Always make sure that you’re not accidentally copying large sections, risking plagiarism and its associated consequences;
  6. Use what you read to prompt you to learn more about the subject. For example, you might read about a certain theory in the example and from that, you can read more about it online and give yourself greater knowledge. This will increase your overall grade in the end, as well as your knowledge base

There’s no denying that there is a place for free essay examples in the academic world, but the temptation to simply copy and paste is too great for some. Always remind yourself of the consequences should you opt to do this, and know that most colleges are on the lookout for plagiarized content more than ever before.

You may even find that your tutor has a list of the main sites used, and will regularly check that the world you submit isn’t closely linked or matches exactly. If this does occur, there are very severe consequences. Even professional essay writing services will advise you not to use samples verbatim and to use them as a base to boost your own understanding and to create your own essay from the points mentioned within it.

Aside from the risks, free essay examples are a great way to highlight points you might have otherwise missed, saving you time and boosting your understanding of how to write a quality essay.