Going on vacation can be a lot of fun, but for some, it isn’t as fun as it should be. Many travelers make the mistake of visiting the same tourist destinations and doing the same activities as everyone else.

If you really want to enjoy your time spent away from home, you have to make sure you customize the location and activities just for you and your family.

Think that’s going to cost a fortune? It doesn’t have to!

There are many ways you can customize a vacation for your family that will ensure you enjoy yourselves, without having to demolish your savings account to do it.


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1. Choose a Special Package

It’s a good idea to plan a theme for your getaway. Do you want it to be a family-friendly vacation, or are you looking for a romantic way to reconnect with your partner? Based on the theme you choose for your time off, you can choose a special package that will provide you with experiences that match that theme.


For example, if you’re planning a vacation in Williamsburg, VA, you can choose from multiple packages. The Busch Gardens Williamsburg vacation is perfect for families looking for a little adventure, while the Historic Activities in Williamsburg Package is a great option for those who want to learn as much as they can about this historic area.

2. Think Outside the Box When It Comes to Accommodations

Staying in a hotel is the easiest way to find a place to sleep while you’re away from home, but it’s also what everyone else does. Staying in a hotel isn’t going to provide you with a unique vacation experience.


Instead, consider alternatives to a hotel stay. A few options include:

  • Renting a house
  • Sleeping overnight in a hostel
  • Staying in a bed and breakfast

If you want to save when you’re on vacation, consider camping! Renting an RV is a great idea too, especially if you want to be a bit more comfortable while you’re on vacation. Natural areas, busy cities, and every community in between usually has at least one option for campers.

3. Rent a Car

There are quite a few benefits of renting a car when you go on vacation. It can help you prevent putting wear and tear on your car, and for large families, it can be much cheaper to go on a road trip than take an airplane. However, one of the best reasons to rent a car is that it expands the possibilities of what you can do on vacation.


Although many popular vacation spots are equipped with buses, cabs, and even bicycles, having a car means you can take a day-trip out of town. That provides you with the ability to get off the beaten path and find an attraction or activity that isn’t swamped by vacationers.

4. Request Materials Before You Leave

Before you take off on your vacation, request materials for the places you’re interested in visiting. Although searching online can uncover fun things for you to do, a pamphlet or visitors magazine can provide you with ideas that you would never have searched the internet for on your own.


Having a hard time figuring out where to go or what to do? Consider using a travel agent. They have insider information that will ensure you are able to plan a personalized vacation, and that includes providing you with materials to browse that will help you decide what to do.

5. Don’t Over-Plan

There are a lot of mistakes travelers make when on vacation. Rarely is one of those mistakes under-planning. Most people end up over-planning their vacation instead.

Not only will having too much to do leave you burnt out and in need of a vacation after you get back home, but it leaves no room for you to explore interesting opportunities when you get to your destination.


Leave plenty of room in your schedule to do things on a whim when you get there. By having plenty of time, you can find an interesting restaurant or a local oddity that you otherwise wouldn’t have discovered if you planned every minute of your time away from home.

Don’t box your vacation into a mold that isn’t right for your family! The best vacations are the ones that are customized to your interests and provide you with one-of-a-kind experiences. These tips will ensure everything from your accommodations to what you do while you’re away are perfectly suited to the kind of vacation experience you wanted.