Do you know why sometimes our productivity rate declines slowly? It is because of a lack of time-management skills. Such a skill is essential to master as it can help you in every step of life. Other than this, we sometimes don’t realize when we are overworking. When we don’t give our minds and bodies their much-deserved break, it decreases productivity.

Are you trying to boost your productivity at work? Here are seven ways that can help you achieve just that!

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In a workplace, no matter the profession. The most vital thing for you to do is read, edit, annotate, and organize pages. So, how about you use a tool to help you do all these things within minutes? Say hello to UPDF for Mac!

UPDF is a PDF reader tool that can make your digital reading faster and more effective. Other than that, the PDF editor app is perfect for managing your documents. UPDF has no limitations or file size limits; the best part is that it has no ads! The interface of the app is attractive. UPDF is the world’s first free PDF editor featuring everything a user will find in premium versions of other apps.

You can annotate your PDF files through text boxes, sticky notes, etc. It can enable you to highlight, underline, and strikethrough the text you want. This way, all the crucial points will stand out. Inserting stickers and drawing shapes will make your PDF more appealing.

You can utilize the software’s managing tool to collect all the files in a single place. Plus, to increase productivity, you can paste images, pages, and text from one PDF to another. To have a clear on your PDF, you can zoom into it. Also, you can add signatures and stamps to the files. To change the look of your file, you can rotate, crop, replace, and edit images.

The app is free for anyone and is compatible with Mac, Android and iOS. UPDF for Windows are not available yet until the end of July. However, the app’s desktop version is different from the mobile one. The difference comes in the range of features that are somewhat limited to the desktop version.

Digital Signatures as a Productivity Booster

In the realm of business, efficiency and convenience often dictate the pace of success. A prime example is the digital signature tool, a potent asset that supercharges productivity and revolutionizes traditional operations. It eliminates the cumbersome process of paper-based signatures, and in their stead, allows you to sign documents electronically, irrespective of geographical boundaries.

Digital signatures are a boon for remote teams and clients. They seamlessly bridge geographical gaps, enhancing collaboration and promoting efficient workflows. With these, distance is no longer a barrier, rather it becomes a path to inclusivity and enhanced productivity.

Beyond convenience, electronic signatures offer robust security. They employ complex encryption techniques, safeguarding against forgery and establishing trust in your business transactions. The peace of mind this offers is invaluable in fostering successful business relationships.

Digital signatures also expedite approval workflows, reducing turnaround time drastically. This immediacy proves invaluable in sectors where time is of the essence. Further, it’s an eco-friendly approach, decreasing reliance on paper and contributing towards environmental sustainability.

In essence, digital signatures are more than just a digital tool; they are a key to driving success in the modern workplace. By harnessing their potential, businesses can thrive, stay ahead, and make their mark in today’s digital landscape.

Complete Smaller Tasks First:

What can boost your productivity quickly? A sense of achievement! Nothing in this world can motivate you to complete the rest of your tasks than by getting this feeling. So what to do to achieve it? By setting smaller goals and completing your smaller tasks first! Our brain is very easy to trick. Suppose you have a task to complete that will take you hours to do.

On the other hand, you have two smaller ones, which might take minutes. Most people will advise you to complete the bigger one first. However, meeting the two smaller ones will act more to your productivity. Doing the two smaller tasks first gives you a sense of achievement. You will feel in control, and that will make it easier for you to track your productivity levels.

Take Breaks:

Incorporating breaks now and then is essential for your mind and body. You invite lethargies to your routine when you don’t allow yourself to relax and take small breaks during work. When you don’t take a break yourself, your mind and body experience burnout and shift themselves to shut down. Hence, taking small 5 to 10-minute breaks after working for 2 hours straight is essential.

Workout Regularly:

You may have heard about it this way, but now it is time to implement it. Who says working out is only to become physically fit. Working out regularly can have a significant amount on your productivity levels. When you exercise for 20 minutes every day, your mind gets a good workout along with your body. It reduces stress, improves work performance, and gives you a good energy boost.

When you work out, your brain releases endorphins which are mood stabilizers. More release of endorphins means better productivity!

Decorate Your Workspace:

Low productivity levels can also be due to a dull and unattractive workspace. How can you possibly work to the best of your capabilities when you haven’t created a proper environment for it? Creating a work environment filled with things that make you happy and relaxed is crucial.

Decorate your workspace with your favorite color, flowers, plants, pictures, or anything that calms your nerves.

Reduce Interruptions:

An interruption is a significant factor that adds to the low productivity levels. While trying to work, you need to have a tempo maintained. The tempo can easily break by minor, meaningless interruptions. Hence that is why you must reduce interruptions.

Don’t Try Multitasking:

We all fantasize about mastering the skill of multitasking. No matter how amazing it sounds, multitasking beyond your limits can cause a decline in your performance. Times in which you are trying to be productive are very sensitive. In such moments, you can’t get further messed up with multitasking. Instead of doing that, try focusing on one task at a time. By doing this, your sole attention will be on the task in front of you, leading to better performance. When you finish one job, you instantly feel motivated to complete the other with the same focus and energy. You won’t waste your energy levels and will get done with your work in much less time!



There is no doubt that the right tools will make your job a lot easier. It doesn’t matter how talented and hard working you are if you do not have the right equipment. Some tasks are done with just a few clicks but if your computer is slow, it will need a bit more time to complete the task and multiply that with hundreds and even thousands little tasks you are doing every day, you will be amazed how much time it is wasted on that.


The right software will simplify most daily chores. Most of those can be handled with tools like MS Office package or WPS Office. Fortunately, there are many options to chose from and you will be able to find those that perfectly fit your needs.


Every one of us meets with low productivity levels at least once. During times like those, it is essential to maintain discipline and incorporate ways like the ones above. These seven ways will help you get over your low-productivity sulk and help you come back to perform to the best of your potential!