Do you ever feel ashamed that you’re not even close to being an A-plus student? Students with high grades are usually perceived as smart and future-proof. Some of them really are, but such people are more of an exception. One can receive a good grade just because the teacher was kind enough or didn’t have time to assess a student’s knowledge.

There are actually more reasons when high grades do not reflect the real or useful knowledge of a student. Let’s discuss them one by one.

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Crammed Material


Theoretical tests and exams can be passed after long and persistent cramming. Usually, you don’t have to do it if:

  • you have enough practice;
  • lectures and workshops are engaging;
  • you know exactly why you need to know that much.

More often than not, students are loaded with information for no serious reason, and they simply can’t process all of it. So, some give up on retaining all the details or going through all topics, and some attempt to engrave every bit of the information in their memory.

The problem is that crammed answers do help before and during a test. You’re more confident and rather happy when you pass it. Yet, what goes next? A month later, you can barely distinguish two terms you used to know by heart. Yes, you’ve got an A, but not something you could use for your development.

Who Wrote That Essay?


Fortunately for students, today, they can delegate assignments to handle more important academic tasks or chores. Do you ever wonder why some classmates of yours have equally good marks even in secondary subjects that barely excite anyone? Mind that they may use EssayWritingService, which is actually not that bad as it may sound. If you do not misuse such services, you’re good.

Just think about how much time you would have for your primary subjects with such help. Suppose you’re interested in them a lot but can’t dedicate yourself to them in full because of overload. In that case, you’re risking wasting several years trying to manage everything at once.

So, the next time you ask yourself how one of your classmates could write 4 essays in a week, remember that they might not have done it without help.

Practice Is Important


However much theory you’ve processed, it won’t help after graduation if you haven’t practiced. The latter is often the reason why students fail to transform useful information into useful knowledge.

For instance, if you pass a test on physics well but skip the lab class, all the details you learned for the test will disappear into thin air. The same will happen if a lab class is scheduled not soon enough to solidify students’ knowledge. So, if you mean to not only receive high grades but gain valuable experience, do not neglect to practice.



Multiple-choice questions are still present in curricula, and they also test many students’ intuition. Of course, intuition can’t help if you haven’t read even a chapter of a book the questions are based on. That’s why some students ask essayservice experts to complete such tests online whenever possible.

Still, if one knows 30 answers out of 40, which is enough for a solid B, there is a chance that their intuition will help them get an A. One more thing to add is that material given on such tests is as easy to forget as the crammed information. So, unless you use some cool mnemonic devices to store those details for years, high grades will be all you’ve got.

Not All Curricula and Marking Criteria Are That Good


Well, the last point is the saddest one. Particular schools and teachers are given freedom regarding shaping their curricula and marking criteria. Some deliver upon expectations, and some abuse the trust.

Evaluation methods vary among universities so much that you could even get totally different grades in two of those by submitting the same paper. Even submitting it to different teachers may bear opposite results. Of course, it also depends on the institution’s reputation, but not in full.


So, what can we conclude? Do poor grades mean you’re doing okay at school? Nope. Are high grades not worth the effort? Also no. We all know how important GPA is. The point is that one shouldn’t evaluate how smart they are only by looking at how high they scored.

Sometimes, you will need to cram, use your intuition, and study according to an underdeveloped curriculum only to get a high grade. Yet, don’t forget what knowledge is really valuable and useful for you and your future career. Search for job ads and look up the requirements from them. That’s what you really need in the first place in addition to the basics in any subject. The rest of the details are secondary. If you need them, you’ll learn them sooner or later.