A thesis statement is the main idea or takeaway of your essay, paper, or other writing. It’s a sentence or two that sums up what your paper is about and sets the tone for the rest of your work. When you’re writing an essay, it’s important to keep in mind the different types of thesis statements.

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Thesis statement definition

A thesis statement is a claim about a fact, idea, or belief that the writer wants to support with evidence. There are different types of thesis statements, and each one requires different kinds of writing. Here are four types of thesis statements and how to write them:

  1. Thesis Statement About an Idea: This type of statement states something about the idea itself, such as whether it’s feasible or not. For example, “Thesis statement about an idea: This new restaurant is great because the food is amazing and the atmosphere is cozy.”
  2. Thesis Statement About a Person or Thing: It states something about a person or thing in the world, such as their strengths or weaknesses. For example, “Thesis statement about a person John is a great basketball coach because he has a lot of experience and knows how to get his team ready for games.”
  3. Thesis Statement About What Happened or Will Happen: This type of thesis statement explains what happened or will happen in the world based on what you know or believe. For example, “What happened at the basketball game: John’s team lost because they were not prepared for the game.”
  4. Thesis Statement About a Cause and Effect: This type explains how one thing led to another, and how one event caused another. For example, “Thesis statement about a cause and effect: John’s team lost because they were not prepared for the game and their opponent was better than them.”

They can also be explained in the following way:

Source: research.com

Descriptive Thesis Statement: This type of thesis statement explains a phenomenon or describes something you’ve observed. For example, in your paper on the benefits of exercise, a descriptive thesis statement might state that exercise has many positive effects on overall health.

Explanatory Thesis Statement: An explanatory thesis statement explains how something works or why it exists. For example, in your paper on the benefits of exercise, an explanatory thesis statement might state that exercise leads to better cardiovascular health.

Comparative/Contrastive Thesis Statement: It compares two things and evaluates them based on their similarities and differences. For example, in your paper on the benefits of different types of exercise, a comparative/contrastive thesis statement might compare the benefits of cardio vs. strength training.

Persuasive Thesis Statement: A persuasive statement tries to convince readers of a particular point of view. For example, in your paper on the benefits of different types of exercise, a persuasive thesis statement might argue that cardio is the best type of exercise for overall health.

Using online tools and sites like https://wr1ter.com/3-point-thesis can go a long way in helping your write a good thesis.

How to develop a thesis statement

Source: thoughtco.com

A thesis statement is the central idea of your paper, essay, or dissertation. It provides a unifying focus for your argument and sets the tone for your entire work.

To develop a thesis statement, start by considering the purpose of your paper. Is it to prove a point? To explore a topic in depth? To provide insight into a specific topic? Once you know this, you can begin to form your thesis statement.

The following tips can help you develop a strong thesis statement:

  1. Be clear about your goal. What do you want readers to take away from your work? Are you trying to convince them of something specific? Convince them that your position is correct? Persuade them that they should care about the issue at hand? Once you know what you want to achieve, writing a clear thesis will be much easier.
  2. Think about the main arguments you will make in your paper. What are the strongest points that support your position? What are the weakest points of your opponents’ arguments? Once you have identified these issues, it will be much easier to develop a strong thesis statement that supports them.
  3. Look for examples that support your position. Where are there examples from the literature that support your argument? Are there incidents from your personal life that you can use to illustrate a point? Once you have found examples, it will be much easier to develop a cogent thesis statement that supports your position.
  4. Be prepared to revise your thesis statement as you write. As you develop your argument, you may find new evidence or arguments that challenge your original stance. If this happens, be prepared to revise your thesis statement accordingly.

Thesis statement examples

Source: searchenginejournal.com

There are many types of thesis statements, so it is important to know how to write them. Here are some examples:

  1. My thesis statement is that the current system of education is not working and needs to be changed.
  2. In my opinion, the government should spend more money on social programs instead of military spending.
  3. I believe that animals should be treated humanely and have the same rights as humans.
  4. Thesis statement examples: Women should vote. Blacks should get equal rights. Children should not work in factories.
  5. My thesis statement is that television is harmful to children and should be avoided at all costs.


After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of what a thesis statement is and how to create one that is effective for your paper. There are three main categories of thesis statements: Thesis assertions, hypotheses, and research questions. Each type of statement has its own specific requirements that must be met in order to make it an effective part of your argument. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your paper will stand out from the rest and deliver the information that you need it to in an efficient manner.