Planning any business or personal event can be quite overwhelming and time-consuming, especially if you do not have experience with organizing such things. However, if your job is to design a team-building event, there are some things that you should consider doing and implementing. Luckily for you, this article might show you some organization tips. Continue reading the text below, to see what 8 things can make the planning process easier and less stressful. Let’s take a look at the tips:

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Tips for Successfully Organizing a Team Building Event

When designing the next team building event that will take place, you should consider the following things:

Plan a Timeline

The first thing you should know is that you should give yourself at least two months for organizing the occasion for approximately 80 to 100 people. However, if the attendance is larger, you will need to have at least three to five months for the planning process. Once you have established how much time you will need, the next thing you should do is to create a task list that will allow you to have a more detailed plan, as well as a list of things that you did and still did not do.

Create an Organizing Team

Planning everything by yourself can be extremely difficult, especially when it is such a big event. Since there are various details to consider and things that need to be done, it is nearly impossible for you to achieve all of it alone. By having a group of people that will help you, you can divide jobs, as well as get feedback from your coworkers – which is quite useful since you will be able to decide on some things that might be important to them. Also, if there is something that you need to finish during your shift, you can appoint someone from the team to finish some tasks for the event while you work.

Determine the Objectives

By knowing the goal and purpose of the team gathering, you might be able to make a decision that will make it more interesting, useful, and active. If your manager or boss already chose the goal, you can work with that. However, if they did not, you might not have any idea about what it should be. The easiest way to determine what the objective should be is to use the “5 W” technique. The 5 W’s stand for who, what, why, when, where. You should be quite precise when answering, for example:

– Who? – The marketing department of 70 workers

– What? – Interesting activities

– Why? – A prize event for performing well

– When? – December

– Where? – Los Angeles

When you combine the answer you will have the goal. So, the objective of the example above would be: Our company wants to organize a prize event for the marketing department of 70 workers for performing well with interesting activities in Los Angles during December.

Work On The Guest List

It might be easy to determine the guest list by counting the employees in a specific department. However, sometimes, it can be a little bit tricky to decide who will attend the event. When writing a list, you should keep in mind these things: is it obligatory or can all employees join, as well as what the upper limit of people the location and budget can sustain. Once you have determined these two factors, you will not have any problems with coming up with a guest list.

Focus on Your Budget Details

Talk to the manager or boss if you need to find out what the budget will be, as well as if it will work for you. Do not forget to inquire how much money can be set aside for it, as well as what they expect the money to be used for. If they do not have a budget amount, you can ask someone who has previously organized such events. Hence, you will be able to get an idea of how much it will cost. You should consider the following things when creating a budget: transportation, food, beverages, insurance, venue reservation, and activities.

Choose the Date and Time

Choosing the time and date might seem like a simple thing, however, there are a lot of things you should consider. The first consideration is how busy people are during a period of time. For instance, if the CEO of the company needs to be present at the team building location, find out if they will be able to free their schedule before committing to a specific date and time. The easiest way to know if someone is free is to send an email asking your coworker when they are available. And from the gathered data, you can choose a date that works for everyone.

Pick a Venue

The venue will need to fit all the people that will be attending the event. Also, pick a venue that is relatively close to your company since you will be able to save time and money. Before choosing a venue, determine if you want the event to take place inside or outside, how many people can fit in the space, does the venue have Internet access, and does the venue offer audio and video equipment, and does it have sufficient parking space. If you want to see how experts can help you with organizing a team-building event, check out this website.

Plan the Agenda for the Day

The people attending the event will want to know what the agenda is for the day. And having will make it easier for you to plan the entire day, as well as inform people what the planned activities are. The schedule for the day should inform them about the arrival time, the meeting points, and the duration of the activities they will be doing together. Hence, you will not only inform them about the schedule, but you might also cause excitement.


By following the tips from the article above, you will be able to make the entire process of planning a team building event easier, less time-consuming, and less stressful for you. Hence, do not waste any more time and start from the first tip which is determining your timeline.