Laravel is a widely used PHP framework because it offers out-of-the-box solutions that Core PHP doesn’t have. It comes with plenty of features you need to learn to become a great Laravel developer and find your dream job.

One of the well-known features of Laravel (and any other framework) is that it simplifies the coding process, allowing the developers to write less code with almost no chances for mistakes.

Laravel has strong MVC architecture support, eloquent ORM, and a rich template engine, among the essential features. That makes all the actions like initiating arrays and Laravel custom pagination easy, like counting to ten, more information find at

So, let’s see what the features that make this framework different and better than other PHP frameworks are:

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1. Rich Template Engine

Frameworks are meant to make our life easier. That means they have pre-ready templates and functions you can use. You can write clean code by simply using the available templates. Also, you can create yours and save it for further use.

The whole approach is pretty innovative because it allows you to create dynamic websites and web apps using the template engine. Also, it provides multiple widgets with structures. The whole process is quite complex, but it becomes clear using the Laravel framework.


2. Eloquent Object Relational Mapping

This is another crucial Laravel feature that allows writing database queries using PHP instead of SQL codes. Laravel’s ORM works faster compared to the other PHP frameworks. It’s both eloquent and effective, which means developers always know what they need to do and how to do it.

The eloquent ORM can be used in pagination laravel processes, allowing the developers to customize the buttons.

If you want to incorporate simple “Prev” and “Next” pagination, the effective and eloquent ORM allows you to use the query:


But, if you need to include page numbers between the “Prev” and “Next” buttons, you should use the following laravel pagination example of a query:


So, you see how the eloquent ORM allows you to quickly use the PHP code instead of writing longer SQL queries.

3. MVC Architecture

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. This kind of architecture helps developers build functional apps in a shorter time.

The Model handles the data to be used by the app. The View part helps the developers to display data to the users, and the Controller part of the architecture interacts with the Model to create data for View.

In general, we can say that MVC architecture creates a circle of functionalities that start and end with the model.

The MVC pattern contains many valuable functions for better performance and increased security. It also makes your app scalable and helps you create its business logic.


4. High Level of Security

The Laravel framework implements security and authentication in a very simple way. It’s one of the most vital features, making it convenient for all level users.

Laravel comes with a Hash class to store passwords, and also you need to authenticate every user who logs into the application.

We already said that developers could migrate the process or expand the database using only PHP code. In general, when you write an app in Laravel, you are sure the app security is on a pretty strong and high level.

5. Artisan

One of the best Laravel features is the tool named Artisan. It helps the developers to automate repetitive tasks, so you won’t have to do them manually.

You can write skeleton codes and save them, so you can easily access them over and over again. Additionally, you can create your custom commands and use them when needed. Artisan also helps you generate MVC files and manage the database system too.

6. Libraries and Modular

One of the most significant Laravel advantages is the pre-installed libraries, which are not available in the competency frameworks.

Most of the libraries are easy to implement and use the needed features. The list is long and grows every day. Some of the most useful libraries are Laravel GraphQL, Authentication, Laravel Mix, Laravel Extended Generators, etc.

Additionally, the modules help you manage large apps and codes. According to modern PHP principles, dividing the project into smaller modules enables you to create exceptional, responsive, and modular web apps.


7. Тesting the Code Alone

With Laravel, developers can test their code to see if they need to change something. Also, they can check if the applied changes affect the app functionality.

Testing your own code gives an important advantage, so you can resolve any issue before passing the project to the test and QA team.

This feature helps you improve your performance and learn valuable lessons while resolving the issues.

What can I Build Using Laravel?

Many sites use Laravel today, so they can strengthen their online presence and promote their businesses.

So, if you aren’t sure how to use the features we mentioned, we have some exciting ideas for you.

For example, using Laravel, you can create invoice and payment systems that monitor the money flow in your company. You can also build eLearning services, which are now widely used in schools and universities. Also, it’s helpful for online academies and courses.

Laravel can help you create money-tracking apps to see how the crypto rates change over time or to compare different markets and their trading volume.

If you need a custom collaborative tool, you can use Laravel and its functionalities to build one.

As you can see, there are many examples of how to use Laravel. Indeed, there are many more things to build with it, and you will have to choose the project that works best for you.



Laravel is and will be a highly functional and popular PHP framework. But, even if you are a great PHP developer, you need some time until you learn the complete pack of Laravel features entirely.

Once you master them, nothing can stop you from being an exceptional developer.

So, take your time, and start learning Laravel, or see how you can become even better at it.